V Међународна конференција ''Безбједност саобраћаја у локалној заједници'' -

V Међународна конференција ''Безбједност саобраћаја у локалној заједници''

27 - 28.10.2016.

Lighting use in Serbian low-rise houses

1. Jasna Radulovic, Факултет инжењерских наука Универзитета у Крагујевцу, Serbia
2. Milorad Bojic, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac, Sestre Janjić 6, 34000 Kragujevac, Srbija 2IMW Ins, Serbia
3. Dragan Adamović, Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac, Sestre Janjić 6, 34000 Kragujevac, Srbija 2IMW Ins, Serbia

Since the global environmental crisis, energy concerns have increased in priority, and it is important to understand house residents’ position on energy use in different countries. This paper presents results of the 2011 public survey in Serbia in city of Kragujevac. The survey examines the lighting use in Serbian low rise-houses. Related to this use, the survey examines the occupancy patterns in the houses. The survey gives the distribution of lighting throughout the house according to types of light bulbs. The survey informs us on the power of applied units. In addition, we discuss how their use depends on the location of the house, the age of the house, the income of the residents inside the house. Furthermore, we assess the electricity bills to determine the operation price for use of these devices.

Кључне речи:
Public opinion survey, Energy saving, Public action, Lighting

Тематска област:
Термотехника и енергетика

Датум пријаве сажетка:

Бр. отварања:

DEMI 2013

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